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    »» imam mahdy »» date:85/8/27 «» 9:56 ص

    in the name of allah the merciful

    in hope of imam mahdy coming and creating

    the new world which there isnot any 

      injustication and safeless


    we like to live in that world becaus there only welfare 

     we have to know imam mahdy and his goles how manage

     the mankind

     zionists are his enemies they attempt intensly in all world to

    delete his signes  

    ? why do they protest with him and so mush afride him

     zionists programs want to slave all world people 

    for golobal government of jew 

     after dispersion of jews over world some them

     which had a wet appetite to amass wealth changed their colour into new

    society colour and spread out their wares of amassing wealth in the new

    countries.  simultaneous they gradually connected with other jews of same

      mind in the another cities and countriesind

    - after a duration they created a large network of communication- sping

    commercial all over world

    these jews took hold of distorted, partions of holy book and as a 

     result of materialism clergies, guidence to belived compeletly that. 

    they have racial superiority and choiceness of jewish people collectively.

    accounted themselvs as nobel racial and under johovah patronage-their god 

    consequently they are only worthy of rule on the world 

    therefore during long centuries they devoted all their efforts to achieve 

    the golobal governorship of jew and proving their superiority over others 

     periods fluctuation and experiments of long centuries and became

    numerous dead for their sake , learned them the methode of

    production of programs which they tried hard for excution of it

    the ways which jewish capitalist who seeks superiority,

    went through aim of establishment of golobal ruleship 

    in new centuries are as following 

    morale,strengthening of racial,superiority and choiceness of jew,tribal 

    propagand and encouragement of the belief among jews and protection

    themselvs from commixion of other people.

    taking possession of economic,sources in this manner to obtain the

    ability of using power for their thing coveted and their purposes

    thus gews since 16 century tried hard and continal to take possession

    of all economic,sources sush as industry,productions - banks - stock,exchange

    money,exchange and ... so that in the end of 18 century in practice

    all propeties and life economic of west countries were compeletly

    in hand and monopoly of jews


    c - exploting masonic,organization to decay inside the free governments

    and nations in all world countries until to create the protege governments

    which to assist them in their aims.

    masonic,role obviously started from the french,revolution and

    industry,revolution of u.k and independence,revolution of americree

    all three happened in the end of 18 century and hitherto can be seen

     the role of these stooges in many political and social,movements

    all over the world


    d - monopoly,possessing of publications,sources and newspapers and

    communication,means ...in that manner to turn upside down the great

    flood of culture which exactly collected to all over the world and on

    various grounds like civilization and progress and knowledge and 

    art to metamorphose profoundly individuals of every society singly

    to make ready for accepting of gews,rule


    e - propaganda and dissemination of unti-religious,morale and  

    spreading of materialist,thought whether in west countries or in

    other world countries till nations to devoid of truth and to become

    astooge of their aims and donot resist against them by reliance to

    faith and religious belives

    f - weakening of world people and destruction of their resistance

    perform by ways of following 

     to cause disunion and difference and establishment of internal

    and regional,wars and ruinous world wars

     promotion of corruption and prostitution and narcotic,substances 

      alcoholic,drinks and extention of gumbling and deviated,amusements

    accounting for prostitution and sexual,problems on ground of freedom  

    and liberty and other hand promotion of the disgraces on various  

     grounds ...art .literatuture and ...

    encouragement of luxury - consumption,life to chain all people so that 

    they submitte themselvs to meaness materialities,dependences

    in all their long life

    to make preparations for settlement of base in the middle east 

    and occupation of it as  jew historical country and holy land 

    but in fact because middle east stands at the confluence of 

    three continents asia-europe-africa and anyone rules on the  

     region can rule on the world therefore occupation of middle east

     in addition to control the alighting,place of great religions and

     oil sources jew can take a long step toward foundation of their

     world rule     of course middle east was under osmani,rule

    and moslems,control in the early of 20 century    so jew

    should extinct the empire in some way


    establishment of the first world war that its main  

    was to divide the osmani,empire into several countries

    and british control of palestine,zone and england did 

    also the plans practical through formation of jew national center

    and its protection the only u.n duty too was to formalize this

     tragedy and turn it into an universal,aspect


    to profit from first world war situations to getr rid of cesarian russia 

    that in spite of degeneration and aristocratic,corruption had prevented 

    them from their aims,achievement in the manner of anti jew 

       establishment of communistic government with materialist thought

    anyhow was in direction of zionist profits


     to decompose the austria-hungary empire and defeat of germany

    in the first world war because both were fireplace of unti jew,feelings

    in the europe that had experenced a  feeling of danger from

    capitalist,jews,manners  ofcourse first one became extinct absolutely but 

    the second didnot compeletly extinct and reserved for next plots


     to disclose this subject that zionists have created the second world war

    perhaps seems wonderful surely hithler and nazi party caused the countless

       disasters in europe and other world countries   but once huge propaganda

    only introduce the fascism and hithler as criminal and murderer must not 

    forget the role of other criminals  individuals like churchill . stalin . roosevelt

     to be reckoned as peace-loving and philanthropist but zionists,role is

     deleted in the meantime

    this point isnot contrary to jews,general,massacre through fascists because

    zionist,leaders had secret communication and a lot of transactions with 

    fascist,leaders whoever interests in argument about apparently

    contradictory,problems (especially the running of golobal,zionism)first

    it is better to reply to a question

     why did rowchild,family(the family which lives as great countries,economy

    parastical)become rich more than before ?while fascists were killing the

    jews and other people

    in the huge propagandas of unti-hithler which expanded after war  

    never published even a document or discourse  belong to nazi,individuals 

     to appear how did they create the insight this point

    furthermore this point happened in the free countries and defending,liberty 

    freedom of thought   meanwhile indicates that germans have had the subjects

     which are not to zionists advantage and their profits  if peopel to know or read

     the subjects even for long years after the second world war

     apart from all that the most important results of second world war are(that

    compeletly fellow the previous achieved results in direction of international 

    zionism profits) as fellowing 

     to invent a conspicuous lie of ,,6 million jew killed ,, for the reasons

    according to statistics whole jews population were about 3 million during 

    the second world war and all jews casualties were about 300,000 persons 

    this zionists lying can reserve a caltural great source and sentical for zionists 

    to strike severely to the every unti-zionist movement under pretense ..fascism

    or jew tormenter  zionism have made the highest degree use and misuse

    of this case yet      

    b - the majority of the jews killing happened in the eastern europe countries

    the killing could cause the imegration of jews to israel where zionists have  

    created for their golobal aims. to be forbidden the entrance of those jews 

    to west europe countries or america through usa and england government

    compelled the jews to imegrate only to israel


    c - the transition of empir - first power from inglish island to north america


    d - to annihilate the japan rule that: as a asian independent country

    had dared to go the way of progress  & development and had been

    independented from jewish capitalist system


    e - to break up the unti-jew morales in the europe and other parts

    of the world


    f - to punish the countries which had unti-jew morales so stalinian russia

    and hithlerian germany had the greatest casualties in the second world war 


     g - to deal a masterstroke to world which suppose it can fight against

    jew golobal organizations 


    h - to establish the israel government in the middle east heart and

    recognize it


    i - subsequent to the events chain that had been designed since long

    years ago and performed step by step was the stablishment of a golobal

     organization which is known the u . n

    two - superpowers rule ( u.s.a and england ) in creation of u.n is too

    fundamental therefor frist we must know the essence of u.s.a and

    england for recognition of the u.n 



    jew capitalism rulership fixed in every part of the england country during

    the time of industry revolution     on the one hand these capitalists took

     possession of enormous wealth through colonization the african and asian

        countries   on the other hand perfectly stabilized their disposition through

    taking possession of industries and factories inside the england and they

    victored over their aristocrats competitors and feudals through establishment

    of free masonry nets and formation of east india company so that all the

    england country nearly was under control of jew capitalists

    - apogee of this story comes into viwe with prime minister of disraele

    the jewish and imperialist prime minister

     the person under the pretext of impire profits but infact he was by all effort

     after the his coreligionist strengthening on the areas of under england dominance

     one of his largest actions was the purchase of soez canal stocks from egypt

    khedive he also confirmed the england rulership on the zone which

     israel government must forme in that later on

    whatever came close to 19 century we find the 

    jewish domination of england stronger so that nearly  

     all the governments members and parliaments and many courtiers

    were masonic and carried out the jews plans 

    in addition to industries banking systems and oil and press and ... are under 

     monopoly of jews perfectly  in the age





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